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Kaspersky Internet Security and Anti virus 2009 Final
0 komentar Diposkan oleh erpeye di 20:08 Kaspersky Internet Security and Anti virus 2009 Final
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File Size: 31.1 MB
Kaspersky 2009 is a totally new approach to data security. The main feature of the application is restricting the programs' rights to access the system resources. It helps prevent unwanted actions by suspicious and hazardous programs. The application's capabilities in the protection of user's confidential data have been considerably enhanced. The application now includes wizards and tools which substantially facilitate execution of specific computer protection tasks.
New Protection Features
- Kaspersky Internet Security now includes Application Filtering component along with Proactive Defense and Firewall which implements a new universal approach to the system protection against any threats including existing threats and threats that are unknown at the moment. Kaspersky Internet Security now requires considerably less input from the user due to the use of lists of trusted applications (whitelisting).
- Scanning of operating system and software for vulnerabilities with their subsequent elimination maintains a high system security level and prevents sneaking of hazardous programs into your system.
- New wizards – Security Analyzer and Browser Configuration facilitate the scanning for and elimination of security threats and vulnerabilities in the applications installed on your computer, operating system's and browser settings.
- Kaspersky Lab now reacts to new threats faster due to the use of Participating in Kaspersky Security Network technology that gathers data about infection of users' computers and sends it to Kaspersky Lab's servers.
- New tools - Network Monitor and Network Package Analysis - facilitate collection and analysis of information about network activities on your computer.
- New wizard - System Restore helps fix system damages after malware attacks.
New confidential data protection features:
- A new component Application Filtering effectively monitors access to confidential data, user's file and folders by applications.
- Security of confidential data entered from the keyboard is ensured by a new tool - Virtual keyboard.
- Kaspersky Internet Security structure includes Privacy Cleaner wizard which deletes all information about his or her actions which can present an interest to intruders (list of visited websites, opened files, cookies, etc.) from the user's computer.
New anti-spam features:
- Efficiency of spam filtering by the Anti-Spam component has been increased due to the use of Recent Terms server technologies.
- The use of Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, The Bat! and Thunderbird extension plug-ins simplifies the process of configuring the anti-spam settings.
- Revised Parental Control component allows effective restriction of undesirable access of some internet resources by children.
New protection features for internet use:
- Protection against internet intruders has been upgraded due to the extended databases of phishing sites.
- ICQ and MSN traffic scan has been added which ensures safety of the use of internet pagers.
- Security of the use of wireless networks is ensured through the scan of Wi-Fi connections.
Key incl.
Interface Language: English
Platform: Windows 2000, XP, Vista
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File Size: 31.1 MB
Kaspersky 2009 is a totally new approach to data security. The main feature of the application is restricting the programs' rights to access the system resources. It helps prevent unwanted actions by suspicious and hazardous programs. The application's capabilities in the protection of user's confidential data have been considerably enhanced. The application now includes wizards and tools which substantially facilitate execution of specific computer protection tasks.
New Protection Features
- Kaspersky Internet Security now includes Application Filtering component along with Proactive Defense and Firewall which implements a new universal approach to the system protection against any threats including existing threats and threats that are unknown at the moment. Kaspersky Internet Security now requires considerably less input from the user due to the use of lists of trusted applications (whitelisting).
- Scanning of operating system and software for vulnerabilities with their subsequent elimination maintains a high system security level and prevents sneaking of hazardous programs into your system.
- New wizards – Security Analyzer and Browser Configuration facilitate the scanning for and elimination of security threats and vulnerabilities in the applications installed on your computer, operating system's and browser settings.
- Kaspersky Lab now reacts to new threats faster due to the use of Participating in Kaspersky Security Network technology that gathers data about infection of users' computers and sends it to Kaspersky Lab's servers.
- New tools - Network Monitor and Network Package Analysis - facilitate collection and analysis of information about network activities on your computer.
- New wizard - System Restore helps fix system damages after malware attacks.
New confidential data protection features:
- A new component Application Filtering effectively monitors access to confidential data, user's file and folders by applications.
- Security of confidential data entered from the keyboard is ensured by a new tool - Virtual keyboard.
- Kaspersky Internet Security structure includes Privacy Cleaner wizard which deletes all information about his or her actions which can present an interest to intruders (list of visited websites, opened files, cookies, etc.) from the user's computer.
New anti-spam features:
- Efficiency of spam filtering by the Anti-Spam component has been increased due to the use of Recent Terms server technologies.
- The use of Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, The Bat! and Thunderbird extension plug-ins simplifies the process of configuring the anti-spam settings.
- Revised Parental Control component allows effective restriction of undesirable access of some internet resources by children.
New protection features for internet use:
- Protection against internet intruders has been upgraded due to the extended databases of phishing sites.
- ICQ and MSN traffic scan has been added which ensures safety of the use of internet pagers.
- Security of the use of wireless networks is ensured through the scan of Wi-Fi connections.
Key incl.
Interface Language: English
Platform: Windows 2000, XP, Vista
AVG Internet Security 8.0.93a1315
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Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Spam, LinkScanner & Firewall. Comprehensive protection for your computer! This award-winning product gives you unbeatable Internet security by protecting against viruses, spyware, hackers, spam and malicious websites. AVG Internet Security is a reliable and easy-to-use solution for home and small office users which is trusted by millions of users worldwide.
All-in-one protection
* Anti-Virus: protection against viruses, worms and trojans
* Anti-Spyware: protection against spyware, adware and identity-theft
* Anti-Rootkit: protection against hidden threats (rootkits)
* Anti-Spam: filters out unwanted and fraudulent e-mails (anti-phishing)
* Web Shield & LinkScanner: protection against malicious websites
* Firewall: protection against hackers
* System Tools: for easy system management
Easy-to-use, automated protection
Real-time protection, automatic updates, low-impact background scanning for online threats, and instant quarantining or removal of infected files ensures maximum protection. Every interaction between your computer and the Internet is monitored, so nothing can get onto your system without your knowledge. AVG scans in real time:
* All files including documents, pictures and applications
* E-mails (all major email programs like MS Outlook and Thunderbird supported)
* Instant messaging and P2P communications
* File downloads and online transactions such as shopping and banking
* Search results and any other links you click on
Internet security with peace of mind
The new web shield checks every web page at the moment you click on the link to ensure you’re not hit by a stealthy drive-by download or any other exploits. All links on search results pages in Google, Yahoo, and MSN are analyzed and their current threat level is reported in real time before you click on the link and visit the site.
Easy system management
The new system tools let you easily configure your privacy settings, connections, and browser plug-ins all in one place.
The best Windows protection - trusted by millions of users
AVG’s award-winning antivirus technology protects millions of users and is certified by major antivirus testing organizations (VB100%, ICSA, West Coast Labs Checkmark). View all AVG awards & certifications.
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Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Spam, LinkScanner & Firewall. Comprehensive protection for your computer! This award-winning product gives you unbeatable Internet security by protecting against viruses, spyware, hackers, spam and malicious websites. AVG Internet Security is a reliable and easy-to-use solution for home and small office users which is trusted by millions of users worldwide.
All-in-one protection
* Anti-Virus: protection against viruses, worms and trojans
* Anti-Spyware: protection against spyware, adware and identity-theft
* Anti-Rootkit: protection against hidden threats (rootkits)
* Anti-Spam: filters out unwanted and fraudulent e-mails (anti-phishing)
* Web Shield & LinkScanner: protection against malicious websites
* Firewall: protection against hackers
* System Tools: for easy system management
Easy-to-use, automated protection
Real-time protection, automatic updates, low-impact background scanning for online threats, and instant quarantining or removal of infected files ensures maximum protection. Every interaction between your computer and the Internet is monitored, so nothing can get onto your system without your knowledge. AVG scans in real time:
* All files including documents, pictures and applications
* E-mails (all major email programs like MS Outlook and Thunderbird supported)
* Instant messaging and P2P communications
* File downloads and online transactions such as shopping and banking
* Search results and any other links you click on
Internet security with peace of mind
The new web shield checks every web page at the moment you click on the link to ensure you’re not hit by a stealthy drive-by download or any other exploits. All links on search results pages in Google, Yahoo, and MSN are analyzed and their current threat level is reported in real time before you click on the link and visit the site.
Easy system management
The new system tools let you easily configure your privacy settings, connections, and browser plug-ins all in one place.
The best Windows protection - trusted by millions of users
AVG’s award-winning antivirus technology protects millions of users and is certified by major antivirus testing organizations (VB100%, ICSA, West Coast Labs Checkmark). View all AVG awards & certifications.
Antv-md5-pattern adalah tool antivirus buatan lokal yang lebih baik dan lebih kaya fitur dibanding pesaingnya [sekalipun itu PCMAV!]. Kenapa? lihat fitur ini, pikir apa sudah diintegrasikan pada PCMAV yang anda pakai?
- No Splash Screen [ merasa kelamaan menunggu splash-screen pcmav gak sih? ]
- Optimasi Source Code Pencarian yang lebih dioptimalkan; [tentu]
- Management Database Internal yang lebih “User-Friedly”; [ pcmav punya? ]
- Minimal dan Maximal Filesize untuk pembatasan pencarian; [pcmav, fitur ini dikemanain? ]
- Pemilihan Extension File yang akan discan; [pcmav, fitur ini dikemanain ]
- Metoda Penghapusan yang menjamin Virus/malware/trojan tidak dapat direstore;
- Fasilitas Karantina - Restore File ketempat semula/asal; [pcmav, sudah 24 bulan belum bisa seperti ini…]
(RED - ‘Ketika anda ragu untuk menghapus File yang terdeteksi sebagi Virus Atau MalWare anda dapat
meng-karantina sementara jika ternyata masih di”perlukan” dapat anda restore kembali )
- Pengiriman File karantina (Send Via Email); [pcmav, janjinya bisa gini, tapi…]
- Pilihan Integrasi Database ClamAV dengan Optimasi Resource Memory;
(RED- ‘ketika ClamAV Database tidak dipakai Resourse memory akan semakin sedikit’); [ pcmav, tiru ini napa? ]
- Registry Editor Untuk;
* Run;
* Run-Once;
* Run-Disable;
* Auto start Menu; [pcmav, jangan asal ya….]
- Fix Registry Anda yang telah diubah oleh MalWare seperti;
* Disable Folder Option;
* Disable CMD;
* Disable TaskManager;
* de el el ( masih banyak lagi);
- Process Viewer Integrate; [pcmav, mana? ]
- Find File Integrate; [pcmav, sekali lagi tiru ya…]
- Penghapusan RecyleBin secara cepat;
- Fasilitas Penambahan Database dengan Hashing MD5 yang lebih “User-Friendly” dan akurat; [pcmav, gak punya khan…]
- Fasilitas Penambahan Database dengan Pattern yang lebih “User-Friendly” (RED - Only For Professional User);
- Fasilitas Penghapusan Database yang lebih “User-Friendly”;
- Yang Pasti Standalone dan anda tidak menunggu Update Database dari “orang” lain( saya yakin anda pasti bisa menambah
database sendiri) [ini dia yang saya cari!]
- Kirimkan Hashing dan Pattern anda untuk Revisi ANTV-MD5-PATTERN kedepan;
- Simple, Tepat sasaran dan Praktis; [betul!]
- Dan Masih banyak lagi;
Baca selengkapnya : http://dotexe.wordpress.com
Saya rasa keputusannya ada di tangan anda sendiri sebagai user. silahkan anda coba sendiri dan putuskan sendiri mana yang anda anggap yang terbaik untuk anda, PCMAV atau Antv-md5-pattern?
PCMAV 1.0 Final Release vs Antv-MD5-Pattern 5.05e [menang mana?]
Berikut adalah posting singkat, yang saya tujukan untuk mengetahui pendapat pembaca blog sekalian tentang siapa yang lebih baik dari PCMAV dan Antv-MD5-Pattern ( yang menurut saya masih unggul Antv-Md5-pattern) apakah ada yang berpendapat sama dengan saya? Smiley
coba buat penilaian dari kriteria berikut:
1. resource memory [liat di task manager]
2. skin
3. jumlah database [count]
4. fitur-fitur (apa yang ada dan tidak)
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